We sure do love to shop but nobody loves financial woes that come from the seductive lure of the word SALE!. Financial Planner, author, and TV personality Suze Orman has compiled a smart list for us ladies in an About.com article.
And what's number one on the list? Don't rely on someone else, like a husband or boyfriend, for your financial security. Educate yourself about money management and investing. It is 2008 but how oh so sad to hear stories of women financial crippled after their hubbies die or leave them.
Don't be one of those girls. Check out the rest of the list and learn:
2. Set goals - it's key to financial success.
3. Don't use money to make yourself feel good. That type of high is fleeting. Instead, do things that promote self-respect and creativity so you don't have to seek those feelings through spending money.
4. Spend less than you earn - it's the secret to creating wealth.
5. Get an education. People with college degrees make on average significantly more money than those who don't have degrees.
6. Build an emergency fund. Without one, losing your job or incurring a large unexpected bill could force you to take on heavy credit card debt, and could put you into a financial hole that will be difficult if not impossible to dig your way out of.
7. Be involved in the day-to-day management of your family's finances, and talk about money with your spouse.
8. Don't take on your partner's or spouse's debt when you marry. Wait until you're both out of debt before tying the knot, or protect yourself with a prenuptial agreement. They're not only for the rich.
9. Don't let the fear of losing money, fear of failure, or fear of the unknown stop you from investing.
10. Learn from your money mistakes. Don't let them hobble you.
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