Seen the new Kimora for Dogs PETA campaign? They should definitely come up with a Michael Vick demon ad version.
Doesn't Baby Phat, Kimora's fashion line, use fur on some of their stuff? Looking at Baby Phat's website as of today I see their outerwear line only uses faux fur. But I see real feathers are listed as "ingredients". Now let's not discriminate against duckies just because they're not as cute as rabbits and their poop is ickier!
And what's with the new anti-PETA campaign, Peta Kills Animals? Those are some crazy statistics if they are indeed true.
Case in point year 2005:
Animals received = 2,145
Adopted = 146
Killed (sorry, activists, let me use PC-term "Euthanized") = 1,946.
PETA probably just took in the really really cute 146 animals so Paris and Britney could adopt them and give them names like Bulgaria, Vodka and Valtrex.

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