Guess who!
Guess who a salesclerk from Sherman Oaks, CA is talking about in a Life and Style article:
"I grabbed a dress to cover her and she screamed, 'Get away from me! Don't you fucking come near me! Then she disappeared in the dressing room with Adnan for 45 minutes. They were making weird noises. It was disgusting."
"I couldn't understand a word she was saying. She was slurring and spitting, and talking with a British accent. Her face was covered with cold sores and acne, and her scalp was patchy. I wanted to help her, but she was so mean that I left her alone. Then she muttered, 'Fuck you!' and left the store."
I didn't bother to omit the mandatory photo I always decide to put in every post because even without the photo everyone should guess this statement is about the "Baby One More Time" pop star.
This alleged event happened in a Betsey Johnson store in Sherman Oaks, CA. I live in Sherman Oaks! I'm glad I didn't walk in when this happened. I have enough head trauma as it is from my own antics.
The infamous head-shaving incident in the photograph above also happened in a nearby city in the Valley (San Fernando Valley to you who don't know LA). Britney should STAY AWAY FROM THE VALLEY! The "Porn capital of the world" seems to have an effect on her. Apparently she is in her craziest around my area. Hey maybe that also explains my own crazed personal behavior! Time to move to The Hills. The boring, boring Hills.
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